
Having more time than usual on my hands, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. Just to put it out there – this is not a good thing. I’ve been spiralling a lot when it comes to thinking about past relationships (mainly friendships) and their breakdowns (usually for one reason, but let’s not open up that can of worms today), and I have come to the major realisation that in the aftermath of these breakdowns, there is one thing I look for in a friend – loyalty.

To be clear, I’m not talking about blind loyalty. If I’m wrong about something, or acting stupidly (which I often am), I value people I trust telling me this. While there is a part of me that wants my close friends to not maintain relationships with people who have hurt me, I know this is not always reasonable and that I cannot and should not control who they are close to. What happens way too often though, is that I continue to hear about these people, how great they are and how much my close friends love and value them, even whilst knowing how much they hurt me.

I know that I sometimes expect too much of people which is something I need to work on, but I don’t think loyalty is too much to ask for in a close friendship. I know that I am fiercely protective over my friends and when they get hurt, all I feel is anger towards whoever hurt them. I also know that not every situation is the same, and sometimes this is not always rational or feasible, which is fine. What I do expect from my friends though, is for them to show me loyalty and give me a reason for trusting them to have my back when someone has caused me a lot of pain.

Is that too much to ask?

“The only people to which I owe my loyalty are those who never made me question theirs” – Unknown.

Author: Sumayya Alidina

Possibly too ambitious for my own good.

3 thoughts on “Loyalty”

  1. I think you are empathetic that’s why you feel stuff deeply. It is okay to feel hurt and let others still decide whether they want to be with the person that hurted you or not. When someone hurts us we usually look at them from a narrow perspective because they crossed our boundaries and hurted us but our friends might focus on other elements of their personality and that is okay. You are You, a unique being and they are them. And every one is different and have free will.

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